Post by Ghostfur on Nov 23, 2007 20:07:30 GMT -5
In the shadows of the Shadowclan camp...
Post by THIS IS MY STORY DOWN HERE on Nov 23, 2007 20:29:36 GMT -5
My story is down here!:
In the shadows of Shadowclan camp, Brokenstar called a clan meeting. As cats gathered before him, Brokenstar looked over at the nursery where the gentle hearted queen Miststorm emerged with her three moon old kit Clawkit and settled outside the nursery, and looked expectently up at Brokenstar. When all the cats gathered beneth him, Brokenstar yowled in a cracked voice, "Miststorm! Get up here!" Miststar looked startled, but walked up with her kit and sat down. "Miststorm, it's time we made some changes around here. Shadowclan needs more warriors, so we will start kit training earlier. It will now start at three moons." Miststorm wrapped her tail around her kit and hissed "Never!" "Oh yes." Brokenstar said. As he said that, more cats started hisseing with unease. Cats started gathering around Miststorm protectivley hissesing at Brokenstar. "You shall listen to me!" Brokenstar yowled. "Why?" asked a cat from the crowd gathered below him. " Because I am your leader!" He hissed back. "That doesn't mean anything!" The same cat hissed back. "And what is that suposed to mean?" Brokenstar shot back. "Are you mousebrained or what? I say let's chase him out!" The cat said. Now as the cats parted, they revealed Miststorm's mate Pinefur. The other clan cats yowled their agree meant, and with that, Brokenstar turned tail and ran. And in what must has been Starclan's anger, Brokenstar fell to the ground with all nine lives being sucked out of him. The other cats gathered around to watch. "Now our kit is safe." Pinefur said. "Well, now Blackfoot is leader, or should I say, Blackstar?" Miststorm replied. "I don't know." Pinefur said.
The End. Hope you liked it. Please comment. Also, I will remember to write in the right place next time. Ghostfur.